How to make straight hair last longer?

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Perfectly straight hair is the dream of many women. However, obtaining them is not so easy. If nature did not endow you with them, you probably have to pay a lot of attention to straightening and proper care to get the desired effect. Check out what to do to get the effect of perfectly straight hair for hours.

Thoroughly clean your hair

To start with, it’s a good idea to thoroughly clean your hair to get rid of any impurities. Use a shampoo for this, preferably from a special series that makes straightening easier. Then apply a conditioner, also from a series for straightening hair. Keep it on your head for a few minutes and rinse it out. This is very important – it will ensure that no cosmetic residues are deposited on the hair, which could hinder the straightening process.

Drying technique

Drying your hair in the right way can significantly affect the subsequent straightening process. Try to dry your hair, directing the airflow from top to bottom. This way you will avoid the down effect and the hair will be gently smoothed after just drying. Dry your hair very thoroughly, as it needs to be perfectly dry before straightening. Otherwise you may end up damaging them.

While drying, pull your hair out with a brush

When drying your hair, you can gently straighten it by pulling it out with a belt on a brush. This will also help lift your hair from the roots. 

Use protective cosmetics

Before straightening, apply cosmetics that will help achieve a smooth sheet, and additionally protect your hair from heat damage. This can be a silicone serum, heat-protective cream or spray. The choice on the market is large. You can apply these products already while drying your hair or even before drying.

Set the right temperature on your hair straightener 

Never set the temperature on your straightener too high, as this can lead to irreparable damage to your hair. Let it be medium. If you straighten your hair in the right way, you will get the desired effect with it as well.

Divide your hair into several parts

To make the straightening process easier, you can divide your hair into several parts. Brush each strand and then drag the straightener through it. This way you will be sure that they will remain perfectly smooth. After straightening each strand, you can set a cold blow dryer setting to close the hair’s scales.

Fix the whole thing with hairspray

To make your straight hair last a long time, you can spray it with hairspray or a fixing spray. This way you’ll give them protection from the elements and give yourself peace of mind for a good few hours.

Avoid humid air

It’s no secret that even perfectly straightened hair in the company of humidity can become wavy and frizzy. So if you want a long-lasting taffeta effect, avoid humid places and protect your hair from possible rain. 

main photo: Fakurian

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