Spa treatments you can do in your own bathroom

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Every moment of relaxation and rest is invaluable in this busy world. Not everyone can afford to set aside time for beauty treatments in professional centers. However, nothing stands in the way of creating your own home spa, because there are treatments that you can easily do yourself in your bathroom

How to prepare for relaxation at home?

Few people know that the word SPA is an acronym of the Latin name Sansus Per Aquam, which means “healthy through water”. What does it mean these days? SPA is associated with relaxation and leisure equating to luxury. It used to mean relaxing baths, which take care of both mental and physical health. So how to prepare for a home SPA? First of all, take care of the right atmosphere. Turn on relaxing music in the bathroom, place aromatic candles on the edges of the bathtub and dim the light. Remember to leave your phone on silent or switch it off. You need to completely relax and forget about the worries of everyday life. What treatments can you do at home SPA? Below is a list of suggestions

Nourishing bath in your own bathroom

Start your relaxation with an aromatic bath. The treatment will soothe your senses and effectively moisturize your skin. Aromatherapy will help you relax completely. Add a few drops of essential oil to hot water. Recommended are those with a lavender or rose scent. Natural scents make it easier to calm down and relax

photo by Roberto Nickson/

Natural full body scrub

Home SPA is a great time to take care of your body condition. At the end of bath it is worth to exfoliate your skin naturally. You can make your own cosmetic at home. For this purpose you just need coffee grounds combined with cinnamon and oil or fine crystalline sugar. You can, but you don’t have to, mix the ingredients with shower gel. Tangible particles will clean the skin of dead skin, prevent it from drying and stimulate blood circulation. The body after the treatment will be soft and nourished. In order to prolong the effects of peeling, after the treatment it is recommended to apply body oiling cosmetics, containing in its composition lanolin, vitamin A, E and vegetable fats

Home and drugstore facial masks

Gray and tired skin with visible dark circles under the eyes needs nourishment. During a bath, when the body will relax, it is recommended to apply a natural mask on the face. Before the procedure, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned. To remove makeup, it is worth using a natural mixture of castor oil and coconut oil. The ingredients should be mixed in a ratio of half and half. After cleansing, a mask is applied to the face. If you want to make it yourself, we recommend the following suggestions:

  • for dry skin a mixture of oatmeal and avocado or natural yogurt, honey and grated apple will work best;
  • for acne-prone skin, natural yogurt with cinnamon or a delicate mask based on yeast and milk will do;
  • for acne-prone skin, natural yoghurt with cinnamon or a delicate mask based on yeast and milk are suitable

You can also look for suitable cosmetics on the market. Products based on natural ingredients such as plant oils, shea butter, plant and fruit extracts or beautifying clays are best for home spa use

Hair oiling

In the privacy of your home SPA you can not forget about your hair. It should be cared for from root to tip. What will make your hair soft and shiny? Experts tell us that the best treatment is oiling your hair. Before bathing you should apply the oil of your choice, be it argan, coconut, grape or avocado seed oil. The product must be all-natural, without synthetic additives. It is advisable to oil your hair all over and then leave it like that for the duration of the bath, which should last about 60 minutes. After this time, wash the hair with conditioner, then use shampoo, and finally apply a regenerating mask to smooth and nourish the damaged strands

Read also Avocado for beauty. We suggest how to create cosmetics with its help yourself

Main photo: Olesia/

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