How to organize a wedding in your own garden?

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Spring and summer are the perfect seasons to host a wedding reception in your own garden. We suggest how to properly arrange your outdoor space so that your guests feel comfortable in it.

More and more brides and grooms decide to have their wedding reception outdoors, and this trend has grown especially in times of pandemonium, when for a certain period of time (due to restrictions) only this form of reception organization was possible. If you decide to have a party in your own garden, you can have truly unforgettable memories

A wedding in your own garden. How to organize it properly?

Fresh air, lots of greenery around and blooming trees and flowers – aren’t these ideal conditions to spend time with your loved ones on this most important day? Of course it is! Receptions in wedding halls are the most common option, almost every bride and groom decides on it, but why not try something else? Then a lot of questions arise… What if the weather is not good? What if there is not enough space in the garden? After all, to dance you need a stable dance floor, how to arrange a place for it outdoors? Everything can be organized, it’s just a matter of full mobilization and above all a good concept, and you can always hire a person, the so-called wedding planner, or wedding consultant, who will logistically help the bride and groom control their wedding reception in the garden.

A good plan is essential

When planning a garden wedding, we have to take into account the space we have at our disposal, because the number of guests will depend on it, but also the formula of the reception itself. If we have the possibility to organize a lavish ball in glamour style, then we will have to take care of every detail, from the perfect mowing of the grass, to pulling every little weed.

Of course, you can plan and fasten to the proverbial last button before the wedding can almost everything, almost, because no one can control the weather, and forecasts, as we know, are changeable. Therefore, the safest option is a party under a white tent. Such wedding tents have a stable structure, so it will not be afraid of rain or wind, and the tent itself can be decorated with light, subtle decorations and lights. The outdoor wedding style is dominated by pastel colors, light and white and green. It is also worth choosing accessories that will blend in with the garden party. It is about, among others, furniture from pallets, picnic props or paper lanterns. These accessories should be placed outside the tent, outside, so that the guests, tired after dancing, could rest on a bench in the garden. As for the decorations, we do not necessarily have to buy them, there are many rental companies, where you can rent wedding decorations for your wedding in the open air.

We will not worry about floral issues, if we have beautiful plants in the garden, but it is always worth ordering your favorite type of flowers and spread them on the wedding tables in vases.

If the weather is good, guests will be able to freely roam around the garden. Setting up cocktail tables is also a fun idea. When the revelers go outside from the wedding tent to relax, they will be able to take a cup of coffee with them, and such a cocktail table will be a great place to put it

A wedding reception in the garden has many advantages

An outdoor wedding reception, first of all, is a very romantic concept, and in times of ongoing epidemics, it is also more epidemic safe because of the open space. The outdoors certainly has a more relaxed atmosphere than a wedding hall. It is true that the most advantages of having a garden wedding are in the warm months, due to the charm of the natural vegetation and the warmer nights, but some couples are also tempted to organize a reception in autumn. Guests will have to adjust their attire according to the season, but after all, each has its own charm.

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Main Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom/

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