How do you grow avocados at home? It’s easier than you think

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You’ve probably bought avocados more than once and used them to prepare many interesting dishes. But what did you do with the seed? Probably like many of us you threw it away. But it is from the seed that you can grow a small avocado tree!

If you’re a fan of avocados and you like to be surrounded by plants, you’ll love the idea of growing your own avocado tree. What’s more, by caring for and nurturing it, you can grow a very special and good-looking specimen. So how do you grow avocados?

What do you need?

  • Avocado seeds
  • 3-4 toothpicks
  • A jar with filtered water

At the store, choose a good-sized, slightly soft avocado, free of spots. At home, wash the fruit, cut it in half, then take out the seed and clean the flesh. The next step is to place it in a jar of filtered water with the help of toothpicks, but before doing so, it is better to leave it overnight until slightly dry and then soak it in water for 24 hours. Thread the toothpicks at a right angle in the middle of the height of the stone on all four sides. This will allow you to rest it on the thread of the jar and all but part of the seed will soak in the water.

Change the water every few days, and once the seed has put down roots you can transplant it into a pot. To do this, buy compost soil, manure and gravel. Place the latter at the very bottom of the pot and then mix the soil with the fertilizer. Finally, put in the seed with the root. Done!

Read also Avocado for beauty. We suggest how to create cosmetics with its help yourself

Main photo: Lisa Fotios/

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