How to take care of your skin in spring and summer?

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Our skin needs special care after winter. In winter, when we cover our body with a thick layer of clothes, we forget about proper care. It is only in spring, when it is getting warmer, that we want to enjoy smooth and radiant skin. What steps can be taken to achieve this?

Moisturize your skin regularly

Unfortunately, we often forget to moisturize our skin regularly. However, systematic action can become a really pleasant ritual. You can moisturize your skin in many ways: by rubbing lotions into it, mousses, oils, or even by adding special moisturizing extracts to your bath. Some of them provide not only intense hydration but also a beautiful, relaxing scent.

Protect your skin from UV radiation

UVA radiation penetrates very deeply into skin tissues and causes faster aging. UVB radiation, on the other hand, can cause sunburn. Sunscreens with a broad spectrum of protection (preferably not less than SPF 15) provide effective protection. This will protect your skin from early aging, deep wrinkles, discoloration and cancer.

Drink plenty of water

Hydrated skin is healthy skin. Hydrating from the inside out is a guarantee of a properly functioning body, which means a hydrated complexion and a better mood. To stay hydrated, drink about 2 liters of water a day. Drink it even when you are not thirsty. Drink your first serving as soon as you wake up, and the last few sips just before you go to bed.

Introduce antioxidants into your diet

Enriching your diet with antioxidants can bring sensational results for our complexion. Berries, nuts, pomegranates, green tea… These are just some of the ingredients that are called “guardians of youth” because they help our skin to maintain a youthful appearance. We should also not forget about omega-3 acids in our daily diet, because they make the skin look healthy and imperfections heal faster. They can be found in fish and oils, among others.

Exfoliate dead skin regularly

If you dream of beautiful and radiant skin, you can’t forget about regular exfoliation. Chlorinated water, sand, warm wind… all this settles on our skin and increases the amount of dead cells. Exfoliation done regularly 2-3 times a week helps remove them and gives your skin a fresh look.

Get your tan at the right time

Do you dream of beautifully bronzed skin? The warm seasons encourage tanning, but use common sense. The sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Don’t spend too much time in the sun then, because you might get a sunburn. Of course, don’t forget to apply sunscreen. Don’t give up sunbathing altogether either. Vitamin D3 is needed for the body to function properly and to keep your skin smooth and moisturized.

Choose your closet carefully

Spring and summer are seasons when it is especially important to pay attention to what materials our clothes are made of. Cotton protects us from the sun’s rays, but only when it is white. In spring and summer, linen and other airy and natural fabrics work well. Also remember to wear a hat.

main photo: Jarvis

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