How to decorate an autumn hat to make it look original and stylish?

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A hat is a fashion accessory that will add a unique character to any styling. Anyone who wants to stay up to date with current trends should have at least one headgear of this type in his closet. Today we suggest how to make our hat look original, and how to take care of it to keep it in impeccable condition for as long as possible!

How to personalize your autumn hat?

An autumn hat looks really good when it is tailored to us as much as possible. It is worth bearing this in mind already when choosing a headgear. Extremely important is its color. Although we usually associate with autumn warm colors, such as brown, maroon and orange, nothing prevents us from opting for a hat in a slightly crazier color. The most important thing is to feel good in it.

If you have a hat in your closet, but don’t feel good in it, you can change that. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to give your headgear a completely different character. Just tie a ribbon in your favorite color over the brim. You can pin it smoothly with a safety pin or tie it in a bow. As a hat decoration, colorful pins will also work great.

How to take care of the hat?

In order for an autumn hat to serve us for as long as possible, it is necessary to take proper care of it. If your hat is sewn from felt, it should be brushed from time to time to remove dust and other embedded dirt. It’s best to do this with a natural bristle brush, in a color that matches the headgear – light-colored hats should be cleaned with a brush with light bristles, and dark ones with dark bristles.

If you get your hat wet, such as in the rain, leave it to dry freely on a flat surface. Under no circumstances dry it with a hair dryer, as it can become deformed.

How to stiffen the brim of the hat?

As a result of repeated wear, the brim of our hat may droop slightly. There are ways to fix this. You will need starch – ready-made or prepared yourself at home from potato flour. After starching, let the hat dry on a flat surface to avoid deformation.

How to straighten a hat?

From keeping a hat in the closet for a long time, its form can become deformed. However, this does not mean that our headgear is suitable for throwing away. We can try to repair it. Hold the felt hat over a hot kettle or pot of boiling water. Under the influence of steam, the material will become more flexible and we can easily model it with our fingers. When you restore the hat to its original form, let it dry.

How to make a hat smaller?

If you have found your dream hat for autumn, but it is too big for you, there is a way! Just sew on the inside a piece of elastic, which you can easily buy at any haberdashery. This way, you will reduce the hat by about 1 cm in circumference. If it is still too big on you, you need to put it in the hands of specialists.

How to stretch a hat?

Stretching a hat is a little more complicated than narrowing, but nothing prevents you from undertaking this task. Moisten the headgear with water, then put a round object inside to stretch it, and let it dry. Stretching the hat vigorously with your hands can also help. However, it should be borne in mind that such actions may adversely affect the condition of the material.

main photo: Cagle

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