How to make a hairband yourself?

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A hairband is a practical accessory to have in your closet. Not only does it hold your hair in place, but it also adds a lot of variety to your hairstyle. Store shelves are overflowing with headbands of different colors, patterns and finishes, but it is worth trying to make your own headband, which will fully suit all your needs

Who are the wristbands for?

Before we start making our perfect headband, it’s worth considering for whom it will work best. The headband should be matched to the shape of your head, your outfit and your hair color, which should contrast with it. This is why light or brightly coloured headbands work best for brunettes, while dark or patterned headbands work better for blondes

How Should You Wear a Hairband?

It all depends on your style and hairstyle – those with long, thick hair may wear their headbands far back in the hair, securing them with bobby pins. If you have straight bangs, wear the headband close to your forehead like schoolgirls in America. For a more sophisticated look, you may want to put your hair up in a high chignon or ponytail. If you have a lot of curls, go for a wider headband to keep your hairstyle in place

What to Wear Alice bands With?

Alice bands are associated with pin-up style, especially black or red ones with white polka dots. However, there is nothing to stop you from wearing Alice bands with your office hairstyle. They are also ideal for casual outfits when they are not only a great accessory but also serve the practical function of holding the hair up. Glittery or sequinned hair bands are the perfect match for party outfits

How do I make my own hairband?

The Alice Band

You can vary the look of the Alice band by tying it in different ways. The hairband can be finished off with a fancy bow or knot. To make the hairband in the video below, you need some fabric – preferably printed cotton, plain cotton or decorative velour – and about 16 centimetres of elastic. You will also need a sewing machine, although you can also sew the whole thing by hand with a needle and thread

Turban headband

From previously mentioned materials you can also sew turban-type headband. It is distinguished by a characteristic weave, which decorates the central part of our head. These headbands are usually thicker than standard headbands and are great for holding back a bouffant hairstyle

Crochet headbands

Crochet headband in addition to looking beautiful and adding variety to your hairstyle will also keep your ears warm on colder days. To make it you will need about 1.5 to 2 hours, but the time spent on crocheting will provide you with relaxation and tranquility

Openwork headband

Using crochet you can also sew a headband which will make your look very romantic. It’s a bit more complicated to make, but it’s definitely worth the effort!

Besides, everything is perfectly explained in the following tutorial:

Plastic headband with beads

If using a needle, thread and a sewing machine is not your thing, nothing lost! You can make your own unique DIY headband by slightly tweaking a store-bought plastic headband. Using hot glue you can glue beads, pearls, buttons and other such decorations to it and you will achieve an enviable effect, and by the way unique and one of a kind!

Headband with flowers

If you are a fan of boho style or you want to create a truly spring style, bet on a hand-made headband with flowers. Artificial ones will last longer and allow you to enjoy the effect for a longer time, but it is the fresh flowers that will provide a unique effect smelling of spring

Read also: How to wear a scarf this season? Here are 6 ways to do it

Main Photo: Edward Berthelot/ Getty Images Entertainment/ Getty Images

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